Monday, October 14, 2019

Autism : Some Characteristics

These are some of the characteristics of ASD: 

  • Hyper or low reaction to one or more of the five senses: sight, touch, taste, smell, or hearing 

  • Unusual attention in objects. 

  • Consistence monotony-or repetitive behavior 

  • Dissimilarity in aptitudes.-lack of attention or oneness. 

  • Problems with social interaction 

  • Repeated body movements

Friday, October 11, 2019

Understanding Autism |Abnormal Tone of Voice| Chapter 2

Abnormal tone of Voice is not considered as one of the symptoms of Autism, but some abnormality in the voice specifically present in the ASD affected children. 

  1. Because of the challenged thought process, not all, but most of the autistic child lacks the proper usage of vocabulary. 
  2. They lack the modulation of the voice. 
  3. Some of autistic child try to express themselves loudly. 
  4. Most of the autistic children speak in a monotonous voice.

Though World Health Organization does not considered the abnormal voice /tone as a symptom of Autism but the abnormal tone of voice creates social isolation because it prevent autistic affected child from proper social interaction.

The social isolation leads to several complications in a life of autistic children.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Understanding Autism | Symptom :Abnormal Body Posture| Chapter 2

Very often we make the things complicated while identifying the sign and symptoms of Autism.

It happens because if we see any kind of abnormality in our child we become absolutely frustrated and make the decision making process difficult. 

Let us ponder over the signs and symptoms of Autism : Abnormal body posture is one of the symptoms of Autism:

Left: Spine Position during normal posture Right: Spine position during abnormal posture
1.Normal body postures: Prior to discuss the abnormal body postures, let us have a look what is normal body postures. A normal body posture is the position of the body when one places his /her body upright against the gravitational power. 

This upright process includes: Muscles flexibility and balance of muscles and spine. Ideal body postures is like "Standing Straight”  &proper balance of the muscles around the spine. 

2. Abnormal Body postures: People with ASD(autism Spectrum Disorder) have little control over the balance of the spine and the gravitational power .Which creates postural orientation difficult for them. 
Because of this inadequate postural orientation child with ASD involves themselves in the repeated motion like spinning and rocking. By observing the abnormal postures only one cannot conclude that his/her child affected with “Autism Spectrum Disorders” . Frequently from one single symptom the parents conclude that their child affected with ASD. But it should not be.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Understanding Autism | Chapter 1 | What is Autism

Autism is a neurological developmental disability that hampers normal brain development, affecting communication, social interaction, cognition, and behavior. 

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or Autism:It is an umbrella term for a group of developmental disorders that are neurological in origin and cause social, communication and behavioral challenges. 

ASD is the third most common developmental disorder. It is mainly characterized by impaired social interaction and communication and the presence of repetitive behaviors or restricted interests. 

Children with ASD may also have their sensory sensitivity affected i.e., they may be under or over sensitive to certain senses (eg.loud noises, certain fabrics etc 

 WHAT IS AUTISM? Autism is a neurological disorder which known as AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS(ASD). 

ASD hold back or slow down the progression of normal brain development . Now look at the kind of disorders an autistic child is suffering from: Asperger’s syndrome.  

What is Asperger’s syndrome? 

Asperger’s syndrome generally indicates towards neurological developmental disorder. 

Asperger’s Syndrome
Asperger’s Syndrome related to Autistic child : 
  • Clumsiness or discomfort in social or one to one interaction. 
  • Speech disorders :
  • Reluctant to communication. 
  • lack of imagination in the process of communication. (Later On In our Speech therapy chapter we will discuss this issue at length) 
  • Reluctant to normal spheres of interest or 
  • Hold back oneself to narrow sphere of interest.